Thursday, April 20, 2017



I missed some days people, sorry
happy 420 though
I celebrated a day early and was hungry all day
I will update my job website today
add a haz piece? Sure...
hasbro was the only dude who said he would play rugby on april first
I tried to arrange shit from mexico
no one cared except haz
bilingual cooking school examining myths that are out there about food
like egg yolks, perfect food or bad chlesteol...
goat cheese is better
cooking oils
better rugby through chemicals
rugby players seek an edge...ask this dude

I tried a few alternative supplements myself
lets see how good you are

match the supplement to the affect on my rugby

A) mushrooms B) peyote C) purple crystals D) cocaine E) weed F) roids (pill form)
G)adderal plus bee pollen plus ginseng

1) this alternative supplement constricted my throat at practice
2) this made everything simple and fun and pure neanderthal :made me a college all star
3)cause many penalties, fuck it mode, instant asshole
4)heart murmurs ended this experiment
5)this made me an unstoppable force who was in the moment and thinking rugby
6) ultra-violence..two kids carted off on stretchers, NOVA and St. Joes..sorry?
7)what day is it? Of course weed is perfect before, during and after rugby!

In montana I had a long conversation with a cow in a shop window. Imight still be there, if not for the urging of team mates to get moving. We were 'hosted' by some MAGGOTS. I stayed with a dude with a fridge full of mushrooms. I was laying on his bed, watching the popcorn ceiling writhe. Dudes gotta go. “He says heres a line and the keys to my mustang, meet you at the bar”
in my universal cocoon of wonderful, tunes crankN IT STARTED TO SNOW. A brief flurry. Not uncommon in montana in April.

Have you ever been driving a car and tripping your balls off when an AUDIBLE snowflake whooshes over your vehicle like a star wars triangle ship??

This is the year I handcuffed myself to a local lass.
The sherrif unlcoked us at dawn after we slept in the handcuffs.
Pro tip. Do not lose the keys.
She had to use the potty. I stood behind the shower curtain.
Bow chicka wow wow

TEMPLE RUGBY OWLS>>>THIS IS HOW WE DO IT.....mikeal leland does rugby OPERATICALLY....a one a two an mother fucking THREE.....AAHH AHHH AHH AHHH...ride of the VALKYRIE....operatically......
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Harry Baker
Harry Baker then who day who dat who dat temple owl?....who dat who dat....AND WE JOIN FROGGY CARR AND WALK A LITTLE SLOWER OR FASTER THEN THE OTHERS WITH OUR WHO DAT CHANT AND OPERA IMMIGRANTS SONG>>>>>> THEN RIDE OF THE VALKRIE>>>>>>we burn a viking ship during the parade in tribure while sinning immigrants song all the parts,,,guitar etc. plus leleand
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Harry Baker
Harry Baker i will film it with my camera if you need an instruction manual
Like · Reply · 1 hr

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

i miss my ex-friend...

Rugby is like Facebook

James Richards is a hooker that won a national title... on facebook he relishes making people unfriend him...if i had the time i would look for his words to that effect... he likes to attack and label people as lefties to diminish them
uses all of the talking points of the regime of moeny and death...was a commando, apparently...
i better be careful when dealing with a commando...
since he attacks lefties he attacks my mom and many friends....
he likes to call people snowfalke
so i tested his "i never unfriend anyone policy... 
this commando melted
i have no politics, im just a trouble maker living on the beach... NAMASTE!
Harry Baker. I can't respond directly in the post, probably due to some privacy settings it has... so I'm sharing. Two things...not necessarily about THIS particular post. 1. If you think I'm going respond to every cockamamie far left post, share, or personal diatribe...sourced from far left sources? You're nuts, a little self important, and a little "stalky." I DO appreciate that you "respond" to all my posts... But i don't expect you, or anyone else for that matter, to respond to mine. I just need to get things off my chest. 2. if you think all I care about is food issues (uh, dude, I'm in the restaurant biz, I do care a lot about them) ...if you think all I care about is food issues. a. you are either lying to deminish me, or b. not really very good at this fb thingy. Please feel free to check my fb past and current page entries. Stop lying to try trivialize me and goad me into responding to (most of the time) far left, radical drivel.

James Richards
10/13, 12:10pm
James Richards
I'm good. FB is like rugby to me. I leave it on the field.
Harry Baker when i missed the 35th anniversary Blackthorn Rugby game i was pissed....i said good publicity....they said "dont you have FB?" i said NO "IM NOT A 14 year old girl"
James Richards
James Richards It is like rugby, in that I leave my aggression on the field, like I do here on fb. I don't take it to the bar and beyond.

and strike three i guess...


i was going to send it to all the jerk offs i know but my fingers got tired....

Justin, Brian, sorry for the Pink Unicorn Spamming, Someone....this GUY James Richards thought he was spamming me....when he starts to run out of words he sends in the Pink Unicorns.......a real P.U.S.S. move.....
you may know him DUCKLIPS, they call him "commando" at PAC and he treats facebook like rugby.....he leaves it all on the field....HE calls in the unicorns for help when he can't make up his own thoughts.....I WATCHED ALL TEN HOUR there is some really interesting stuff
i stand by my original share comedy idea that you are jerk-offs though....
well thats one minute ill save some for later
Not what I what I was looking for Harry. Sorry. Our time is done. I love ya man. But you've lost it. Please see someone.
Chat Conversation End

Monday, April 17, 2017

astro-turf hurts my tender knees
1/4 inch aluminum spikes are not the proper footwear

the dude is big and samoan 
charging through us
I go high and bounce off..

but before I do I grab at his head gear

head gear?
 Thats a HANDLE as far as I am concerned

thankyou for another way to slow you down
mr raging beast of rage and fury

so my thumb just misses his eye
 and my other hand is grabbing at his ponytail


this game gets easier and easier
it used to be your first 15 were your ONLY 15
someone goes off and you are down a man
then they invented subs to stop the practice of intentional injuries of opponents
the fist fights were better back then
viscious rugby

Friday, April 7, 2017

I had just moved back to philly to finish college ahead of my younger brother at Temple U. I am competitive sometimes, and he is a bit of a dick. Because of a life time of being bullied by me, is how he tells it. Sorry John! I was unqualified as a nanny and I am done raising kids. I saw my job to be protecting those girls from you boys while i was living in that house.


I return to blackthorn because Ned Bacchus saw me in the hall and recruited me. I still had the green and yellow socks that i guess i stole a few years back. they were always a hit at kutztown practices and then again at SUD and then PAC. After Sud and GW merged there was always some contentious scummaging at practice. If you are a struggling club, find another and play up a division and in the normal division. get your boys some good games. Practice was sometimes an hour of scrums. I counted 60 one night. And the opposite in the scrum was the dude i stomped and collapsed many times in the last game. We had history. Which made the scrumming fun. So my first HARRY award goes to john trauth. He made me a better rugby player. As did Jim Trump. and api Q. These three are the first year enshrinees. i will be looking for pictures that i can put on my altar of api q, marshall sturm and stu mcclay from blackthorn, face and of course michel leland...lets have a world famous multi city rugby day of the dead with day of the dead grateful dead cover bands and camping and beach party and vegas and other hot spots...i may just be in an underground cave that night...

anyway PAC WAS COMING TO PHILLY and I somehow got into the line up against this team that was soon to win the national championship in club rugby. I think it all started in their scrum. I am waiting to be invited back for a series of karaoke installments and of course this years HARRY AWARDS...

So we are getting killed because these guys are all large and fast and even the slow ones are faster than our backs, but we did have stewy on the wing, (tho he never really got the ball)

Any way there is this up and under and Rex Gillete got there at the same time as the ball and it popped into my hands 2o meters of so from the goal line. sweeest try ever, not time to think, but we got smaoked


In jail for weed. Whitey's team bailed him out an hour ago. I am naked and singing along with the songs from the bar singing songs and celebrating the end of the CAN AM tournament. 5 days of mayhem. We won the club side tournament an hour earlier. We had a photo shoot. I had an empty half case of bud light on my head. Bud Light owes me money! Or a contract. A services contract. I will rep bud light at poker tournaments and rugby get togethers. They can sponsor my bourbon blues jam, or my friday night karaoke jam!