It is a story older than time. Older than institutions, corporations and legacies of wealth. Back when a man could be legendary. Well before 'fuck-you money” was a thing, dating back to a time even before money was invented...
It is a story as poignant an ABC “Afteschool Special”. A story as powerful and one as disturbing as a prime time examination of pedos on a kids show, starring a colored cherubic dynamo, with a catchphrase, who moved in with a millionaire whitey. Did I ever tell you the story about the time when 'whuh-choo-tawkin-bout-willis?' ditched his buddy in the back room of the photo shop, with his new 'uncle'.
An uncle myself, this examination of pedastry in primetime prompted these words. Words about the kind of sickness that passes for entertainment. This bad 'uncle' grooming the kids. We rejoin the story on day two. The day after the wine and the shower and the pills. The day after the topless, jungle themed photoshoot. I truly wish I was unfamiliar with what these sick fucks call 'grooming', but as a teacher for the School district of Philadelphia we had to watch a movie about it one terrible afternoon. This was part of out professional development. This was an examination of the sickness of society. An infection of the spirit. A legacy that is a part of our terrible history.
It is a generational affliction, a gift that keeps on giving. I learned a lot of what I know about this from a rugby associate named Barry. Barry Capps. His brother was gay and his dad was an alcoholic. This made Barry a defensive, suspicious and an always alert kind of prick. Hypervigialance such as Barry's, lends itself well to the violent ballet that is rugby. This is Barry's story. I'm just a witness. He's gone now. His is a cautionary tale about the affect of alcohol and pedastry on the family unit. He was a survivor. This book will try to tell the other Barry's out there that there is a support group that can help you, however scarred, scared and savaged you are by your past. There is redemption through rugby for all mankind. If Barry had started a little earlier than college the world would have been a much different place that it is now. I tried to calm his murderous urges, but murder was what Barry was best at. You know him from the newspaper accounts of the secret Rugby hit-man, and his partner. Glorified on Saturday night live as the ambiguosly gay rugby hitmen. His diaries tell one story, this is the companion piece to his diary. With the rest of the story, behind the scenes shit from the cutting room floor. It can be told now. and special showtime series that you know the name of quite well. Dexter played rugby. Then he met the politico, a charming killer of ladies who also had another homocidal side that changed the face of the world.

We will begin our story with a rugby tour to the south. Barry played for a team with hideous green and yellow hooped socks. He was a valuable part of the team. A successful rugby team has 25 or more premier level athletes who are interchangeable parts of the same machine. A premier rugby powerhouse has two full scrums at practice and then ten or so backline players of top qualilty. Barry was one of the backline support team, he learned every position. When the starter went down they would look over and see Barry running sprints to warm up to be ready to go in. Someone else was usually selected, but Barry was always ready. It was a little like the rugby version of the movie Rudy. Except the hero has to acively work on what passes for a personality. It seems like he is from another dimension, where other people are just obstacles, barriers to success. His horrific childhood and adolesence made it clear to him that no one cared at all about his problems. He told his boy scout troop leader about it and the priest. They got together with his father and shot a porno on eight millimeter. They convinced him that it was a normal part of society. They wore togas and spoke Greek when they were enjoying his flesh. The priest claimed to be in contact with the dark overlord himself. After a few years of this, it seemed normal to Barry. He started to think about a career in politics. He read up on Socrates and his heroic exploits defending his lover on the battlefield. He wore black for the week leading up to the ides of March. He was convinced that the politicians of the time ruined what eventually became a vison of paradise for Barry. He memorized the poems of Catillis. He loved the classic boasting of how he was going to penetrate his enemies right there on the path if they opposed him. He laughed to himself in his teen years as he theorized about the huge amount of people in the closet. He knew the closet was the safest place, or the safest seeming place and understood the need for something to blackmail other politicians with. Things that would scandalize John Public. Prohibition is always the faqstest road to wealth and by chargin a high price to enjoy the sweet sweet fruits of pedastry and demon worship it was necessary. A scared victim is a delicious vicim. Besides, the dark overlord had connections in other realms who fed on fear. Once he was at his first meeting with an interdimesnional entity materializing out of thin air, he was hooked. And it seemed that his role would be best as a behind the scenes fixer. seemed like paradisdefense of his It was supposed to be a snuff film, but they were too drunk to kill him. He took a Dale Carnegie course to try to figure out how to talk to people. Farmer's college in tiny Kootztown PA. Kootztown started as a 'Normal' school, to certify farmers daughters as state-certified educators. To serve their local community. A safe slow way of life, ten to fifteen years behind the social and economic times of the big Eastern cities, but fine for middle of the state. When the interstate came through, suddenly, the this backwater was flooded with New York and Philadelphia bargain shopper parents, who wanted to protect their precious kiddies. This was evident in the fact that Kootztown had no fraternities on campus. There was one incident in the seventies and they were quickly banned. That was shaped by the thinking of the community, in those times the board of the what they were calling a college now, was still the local lawyer, the owner of the battery plant that was the econimic life line of the region, the banker, the mayor and the President of the college as well as the elected state representatives. But for the most part Kootztown was a battery town. The fact that the lead got into the groundwater just made keeping the pace a sedate one all the easier. Barry drank from that polluted Aquifer growing up as he did down stream from the plant, but only until his febrile mind discovered gatorade. It was a stroke of luck for the development of his brain that right at the time gatorade was introduced Barry's obsession with sports took hold of his life. Barry had Ausberger's before Ausberger's had a name and he was a high functioning example, so high-functioning that it was never noticed by the lead poisoned teachers who drank that stuff for decades before the EPA and the battery place did the deal that secretly stopped the contamination, but admitted no fault or actionable legal evidence. All of that evidence went up in smoke and no one was the wiser. Except Barry. Through a freak combination of personality, familial abuse and Gatorade, he survived with his mind intact and glided through high school and later the local college like a visitor from an advanced dimension, on vacation, always a step ahead of the syrupy stuck locals. By extension, his average athleticism was elevated by his comprable mental advantage to allow him to paint a picture of superiority, especially as he devoured psychology tomes in his spare time. So it was in many ways Sigmund Freud's cigar quote that was partially responsible for a string of unsolved murders lasting thirty years and having a body count in the high hundreds by the year 2000 when he decided to start goiing for multiples in order to match the date. His goal was 2012 deaths by the December 21st 2012, the date of Mayan Apocalypse.

“When is it coincidence, and when is it destiny?” a teen Barry wrote in his diary which was the basis for this tome. . I will try to tell the story of the story behind the most successful prime time examination of the psychology of the most successful mass murderer in history in his own words. The fact that he is celebrated by many is just evidence of the depraved tastes of our society, so close to the tastes which filled the Colosseum. which was what filled young Barry's notebooks. Alongside the terrified scribbled fears that he would be unable to fight his drunk father off of him this time. That he would make good on his promises about the cigar. What was promised to happen when Gramp was released from the pen two years down the road with good behavior.. That event was the motivational factor in his reading of Freud, his jui-jistsu training and study of non-traditional weaponry.

Gatorade saved Barry's brain. That which was seen as his sports obsession was transformed by his always simmering familial rage and Ausperger's into the most effective and secret killing machine in the annals of American Psychotic behaivior. “ When they are passing out the awards in hell, I want to be considered as America's secret Hitler. Mentioned in the same breath as Jim Jones, but being more horrific in that my body count will be as high as his by my thirtieth birthday and still no public notice. I am the REAPER. “ cue musical interlude “don't fear the reaper” commercial break. Now a words from our sponsers.

Do you hate it when the hooker in your trunk is able to break free of your duct tape because of a video she downloaded on the internet?” Psycho Grade Duct tape is the official duct tape of Barry Capps and features a state of the art glue which binds the fibers iinto a polymer resin that require a special solvet, which is highly toxic, to disintegrate. Take it from Psycho grade rape edition duct tape inventor Barry Capps, “If that stupid cunt hooker knows about this special duct tape solvent, that's fine, but she won't have the proper mask and the stupid bitch will kill herself, ha ha ha” All proceeds from psycho grade rape tape sold in the next hour go to the legal defense of your hero Barry, now let's get back to Barry Capps: The early years...”

End pitch number one. Rugby pitch number one. The story of the trail of bodies told by the best friend of the psycho. The real, untold story. Interviews with his brother and ex-wves and ex-girlfriends. What makes this story so remarkable is the way he was able to compartmentalize his psychosis. Everyone knew he was crazy, but his personality was developed to be abrasive and ascerbic and unlikeable so as to provide the perfect cover for his murder spree. The man was unpleasant to hang out with, unless you had something that he wanted. Then he had all the charm he needed in order to manipulate things so that he seemed like the solution to your problems, instead of the cause of them. His genius, if steered towards society could have truly transformed this world for the better. Fate intervened when then he met that Arkansas rugby playing politician whose family often needed wet work done. As a result, Barry changed history several times. And we only have ten years of the journals to work from salvaged from secret torture caves all over the world.

titanic-the origianl twin towers in babylon-student of history-taught himself abylonian to better talk to the demons that possesses his father-took control of them-they saw the upsdie,tortured daddy,their thirst for blood was sometimes satisfied-barry was the cause of all evil, like money-the root-

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