Thursday, February 11, 2021

 heres something that a friend shared on facebook-he gets to the rugby content after a bit of whining-

Yesterday was an absolute shit of a day. Really one of the worst I've had in a while. I spent the day being sad and angry. The events of yesterday are going to be a big set back financially and emotionally in my vision and plan for the future. I've had many set backs in my recent journey and adventure. From a terrible and costly break up, living in my truck for nearly a year, to briefly falling off the wagon, and getting in trouble for it, to life threatening infections, and surgery. To being so broke I couldn't afford a can of soda. I've been soul crushingly lonely, and so depressed that I didn't move or shower or eat for weeks. On social media my life seems like a dream, and in some ways it is. My life is what others do for vacation. I ski more in a month than most will in a life time, and I get paid to do it. But most of the time I leave out the heartache, frustrations, and pain. I'm eternally grateful, and intensely aware of what I've built from nothing, and the small amount of quality humans that have come into my orbit.
Today while watching Ireland and Wales battle it out, rugby reminded me of what life really is. It's a never-ending, ruthless, and often painful battle to get to your goals. There will always be obstacles that will do whatever to prevent you from moving forward. But there will also be people around you that help you get there, that you can't do it without. You can't lose site of the try line, and you must keep moving forward. Rugby like life will beat you into a pulp, and you can either fade away, or become forged into a strong, prepared, tough as fuck, immovable and unstoppable object. When you cross that try line and put that ball down the pain and frustration go away. The rush of elation you feel makes all the blood sweat and tears worth it. Then you get right back to it, grinding away to get back to that try line. I choose to keep moving forward, I choose to keep my eye on my dreams and goals, I choose blood sweat and tears, because there's no other way to get there. I am strong, prepared, tough as fuck, immovable and unstoppable because I refuse to fade away.
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm"

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